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Class pvc.options.visualRoles.MetricPointPlotVisualRoles

Extends CartesianPlotVisualRoles.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
The visual roles options class of the metric point plot type.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Visual Roles
The color visual role is a plot-level visual role that is visually encoded by the color of visual elements.
The series visual role is a plot-level visual role that represents a series of connected data points.
The size visual role is a plot-level visual role that is visually encoded by the size of visual elements.
The x visual role is a plot-level visual role that is visually encoded by the base position of the "point" visual element.
The y visual role is a plot-level visual role that is visually encoded by the orthogonal position of the "point" visual element.
Class Detail
The visual roles options class of the metric point plot type.
Field Detail
{string|pvc.options.VisualRole} color
The color visual role is a plot-level visual role that is visually encoded by the color of visual elements.

Specifically, it is the color of the dots and lines of the visual elements that is changed according to the color of the corresponding color role value.

The color visual role automatically binds to every discrete dimension, or a single continuous dimension, whose name has the color prefix or, if none exists, the dimensions of the "series" role.

The color visual role is discrete or continuous.

The default value type of dimensions bound to it is Number.

See pvc.options.VisualRole for more information on supported data types.

{string|pvc.options.VisualRole} series
The series visual role is a plot-level visual role that represents a series of connected data points.

Most cartesian charts represent graphically the connectedness of data points of a given series in some way, by connecting points with a line, by giving them all the same color, or, simply, by the order in which they are drawn, and when overlapped, some stay on top of others.

The series visual role automatically binds to every dimension whose name has the series prefix.

The visual role itself is optional, yet, when unbound, a dimension with a "series" prefix is automatically created for it, and all datums will have the value null in that dimension.

See pvc.options.VisualRole for more information on supported data types.

Borrowed from:

{string|pvc.options.VisualRole} size
The size visual role is a plot-level visual role that is visually encoded by the size of visual elements.

Specifically, when dots are visible, controls the size of the dot mark.

The size visual role automatically binds to every dimension whose name has the size prefix.

The size visual role is continuous and optional.

The default value type of the dimension bound to it is Number.

See pvc.options.VisualRole for more information on supported data types.

{string|pvc.options.VisualRole} x
The x visual role is a plot-level visual role that is visually encoded by the base position of the "point" visual element.

The x visual role automatically binds to a single dimension whose name has the x prefix.

The x visual role is continuous and required.

The default value type of the dimension bound to it depends on the value of the chart option pvc.options.charts.Chart#timeSeries. If it is true it is Date, otherwise, it is Number.

See pvc.options.VisualRole for more information on supported data types.

{string|pvc.options.VisualRole} y
The y visual role is a plot-level visual role that is visually encoded by the orthogonal position of the "point" visual element.

The y visual role automatically binds to a single dimension whose name has the y prefix.

The y visual role is continuous and required.

The default value type of the dimension bound to it is Number.

See pvc.options.VisualRole for more information on supported data types.

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