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Class pvc.options.charts.Chart

Extends BasicChart.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
The common options documentation class of (almost) all charts.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The first color axis options.
The extension points object contains style definitions for the marks of the chart.
Indicates if the layout should be preserved between renders.
Chart > Data
An array of dimensions calculations.
A map whose keys are the dimension type group names and whose values are the default dimension type group options.
A map whose keys are the dimension type names and whose values are the dimension type options.
The chart's format provider.
The separator used to join the labels of the values of a multi-dimensional visual role.
Indicates if datums whose value in every measure dimension is null are ignored.
Indicates the existence of the sliding window.
Indicates that dimensions whose name is "category1", "category2", etc, have a Date value type, by default.
The format string used to parse dimensions of the Date value type, by default.
Chart > Data Source
Indicates if the data source is in the crosstab format, or, when false, the relational format.
The number of columns of the "categories" physical group that the data source contains.
Indicates if the data source translation should ignore the column labels present in the data source's metadata as defaults for the labels of dimensions that are directly loaded from those columns.
Indicates if multiple measures "are in" columns or in rows (applies to crosstab data format).
The separator character used to join multiple values in the crosstab format, and to build composite keys for multiple level groupings.
The confirmation mode of the column types declared in a dataset's metadata.
Indicates if the data source contains multiple columns of the "measures" physical group.
The indexes of columns of the "measures" physical group (applies to relational data format).
A list of dimension names to load from corresponding logical table columns.
Swaps the columns of the "series" and "categories" physical groups.
Chart > General
The identifier of the HTML element, or the element itself, where the chart is to be created in.
The set of compatibility flags.
The CCC version that the chart should run in.
Chart > Interaction
Indicates if a chart should show an entry animation, every time it is fully rendered.
Controls if and how the selection can be cleared by the user.
Indicates if the chart is clickable by the user.
When true, indicates that a selection made by the user replaces the current selection, if any.
The maximum number of milliseconds, between two consecutive clicks, for them to be considered a double-click.
Indicates if the chart's visual elements are automatically highlighted when the user hovers over them with the mouse.
Indicates if chart interaction is enabled.
Contains options related to the way the pointing events are handled (ex: over, out).
The pointing mode used by the chart.
Indicates if the chart's visual elements can be selected by the user, by clicking on them or using the rubber-band.
Indicates if tooltips are enabled and contains additional tooltip presentation options.
Contains additional tooltip presentation options.
Indicates if tooltips are enabled and contains additional tooltip presentation options.
Chart > Layout
The margins of the root content panel, in pixel units or as a percentage.
The paddings of the root content panel, in pixel units or as a percentage.
The height of the root chart, in pixels.
The margins of the root chart.
The chart orientation indicates if its main direction is vertical or horizontal.
The paddings of the root chart.
The width of the root chart, in pixels.
Chart > Visual Roles
The dataPart visual role is a chart-level visual role that allows partitioning of the data into several datum subsets.
The chart's visual roles map.
The minimum size of the plot panel, in pixel units.
The legend panel of the root chart.
Indicates if the legend panel is visible.
The title panel of the root chart.
An array of plots.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Chart > Actions
A callback function that is called when the user clicks on a visual element.
A callback function that is called when the user double-clicks on a visual element.
A callback function that is called before the chart is rendered, but after if has been pre-rendered.
A callback function that is called after the chart has finished rendering, including any animations.
selectionChangedAction(selectedDatums, selectedChangedDatums)
A callback function that is called when, after selection has changed, the chart is updated to reflect the change.
userSelectionAction(selectingDatums, selectingGroup)
A callback function that is called when the user performs a selection, but before the corresponding datums' selected state is actually changed.
Chart > Data
A function used to format non-null numeric values as percentages.
A function that formats the non-null values of numeric dimensions.
Chart > Data Source
A function that filters datums as they are being loading.
Class Detail
<abstract> pvc.options.charts.Chart
The common options documentation class of (almost) all charts.

For information on the supported data formats see BasicChart.

Field Detail
{pvc.options.axes.ColorAxis} color
The first color axis options.

This axis can also be accessed by the property name color.

See pvc.options.axes.ColorAxis for more information on the way that the color axes' properties may be accessed.

{pvc.options.ext.ChartExtensionPoints} extensionPoints
The extension points object contains style definitions for the marks of the chart.

{boolean} preserveLayout
Indicates if the layout should be preserved between renders.
Default Value:

{list(pvc.options.DimensionsCalculation)} calculations
An array of dimensions calculations.

Can be specified to calculate the values of certain dimensions.

Borrowed from:

{map(string : pvc.options.DimensionType)} dimensionGroups
A map whose keys are the dimension type group names and whose values are the default dimension type group options.

A dimension type group is a group of dimension types that have a common non-numeric prefix in its name.

This property does not define any dimension types, per si, but allows specifying default values for dimension types of a group, that apply in case they are effectively used.

Borrowed from:

{map(string : pvc.options.DimensionType)} dimensions
A map whose keys are the dimension type names and whose values are the dimension type options.

You don't need to define dimensions unless you want to change their name or properties. Charts automatically define default dimensions to satisfy their visual roles' requirements.

Dimension options can be partial, so that it is possible to override only certain options.

Borrowed from:

{pvc.options.format.FormatProvider} format
The chart's format provider.
Borrowed from:

{string} groupedLabelSep
The separator used to join the labels of the values of a multi-dimensional visual role.

For example, if a visual role, has the dimensions "Territory" and "ProductType", a compound value could be shown as "EMEA ~ Classic Cars".

See also #dataSeparator.

Default Value:
' ~ '
Borrowed from:

{boolean} ignoreNulls
Indicates if datums whose value in every measure dimension is null are ignored.

A dimension is considered a measure dimension if there is at least one measure visual role currently bound to it.

Default Value:
Borrowed from:

{boolean|pvc.options.SlidingWindow} slidingWindow
Indicates the existence of the sliding window.
Default Value:

{boolean} timeSeries
Indicates that dimensions whose name is "category1", "category2", etc, have a Date value type, by default.

This option has no effect on other dimensions, even if bound to a "category" visual role. In those cases, explicitly define the dimension with the Date value type.

Dimensions are considered continuous, by default, when they have a continuous value type. However, not all visual roles support continuous dimensions. In those cases, the dimension is treated as a discrete dimension, event though it has a continuous value type.

Default Value:

{string} timeSeriesFormat
The format string used to parse dimensions of the Date value type, by default.

The syntax of the format string is that of protovis' date formats.

This property changes the default of the pvc.options.DimensionType#rawFormat property, for dimensions with a Date value type.

Default Value:

{boolean} crosstabMode
Indicates if the data source is in the crosstab format, or, when false, the relational format.
Default Value:
Borrowed from:

{number} dataCategoriesCount
The number of columns of the "categories" physical group that the data source contains.

Relational format

Allows splitting the discrete columns between the "series" and "category" physical groups, in a custom way.

By default, if only a single discrete column exists, it is a "category". Otherwise, the first column is a "series" column and all the remaining are "category" columns.

Crosstab format

This is taken to be the number of consecutive discrete columns, from the first, or 1, if there are none.
Borrowed from:

{boolean} dataIgnoreMetadataLabels
Indicates if the data source translation should ignore the column labels present in the data source's metadata as defaults for the labels of dimensions that are directly loaded from those columns.

The capability to use the data source's provided metadata labels is most useful in the relational format, i.e., when #crosstabMode is false. The crosstab format does not provide metadata information for the series/columns data. Also, only when both #isMultiValued and #dataMeasuresInColumns are true, is there label information for the measures metadata.

Default Value:
Borrowed from:

{boolean} dataMeasuresInColumns
Indicates if multiple measures "are in" columns or in rows (applies to crosstab data format).

This option only applies when #isMultiValued is true.

When true, the data source contains columns for each combination of "series" columns' values and measure dimension.

When false, the data source contains rows for each combination of "categories" columns' values and measure dimension.

Borrowed from:

{string} dataSeparator
The separator character used to join multiple values in the crosstab format, and to build composite keys for multiple level groupings.

See also #groupedLabelSep.

Default Value:
Borrowed from:

{pvc.options.varia.DataTypeCheckingMode} dataTypeCheckingMode
The confirmation mode of the column types declared in a dataset's metadata.

The default value depends on the chart type. The bullet chart type has a default of pvc.options.varia.DataTypeCheckingMode#Extended. All other chart types have a default of pvc.options.varia.DataTypeCheckingMode#Minimum.

Data type checking can be disabled by specifying the value pvc.options.varia.DataTypeCheckingMode#None.

Borrowed from:

{boolean} isMultiValued
Indicates if the data source contains multiple columns of the "measures" physical group.

Relational format

Controls whether the option #measuresIndexes applies.

Crosstab format

Depending on the value of #dataMeasuresInColumns, measures are either in columns or in rows.
Default Value:
Borrowed from:

{number|string|list(number|string)} measuresIndexes
The indexes of columns of the "measures" physical group (applies to relational data format).

This option only applies when #isMultiValued is true.

By default, these are the indexes of continuous columns.

Borrowed from:

{string|list(pvc.options.DimensionsReader)} readers
A list of dimension names to load from corresponding logical table columns.

Can be a string containing a comma separated list of dimension names.

More generally, this option accepts an array of dimensions readers.

Borrowed from:

{boolean} seriesInRows
Swaps the columns of the "series" and "categories" physical groups.

The name of this option is inspired in the crosstab/ matrix format, where the "series" values are placed in the first row, and "category" values are placed in the first column (corner cell is empty).

Default Value:
Borrowed from:

{string|object} canvas
The identifier of the HTML element, or the element itself, where the chart is to be created in.

The chart element will be a child of the canvas element.

When unspecified, the chart element will be added as the last child of the HTML document body.

Borrowed from:

{pvc.options.varia.CompatibilityFlags} compatFlags
The set of compatibility flags.

See also BasicChart#compatVersion.

Borrowed from:

{number} compatVersion
The CCC version that the chart should run in.

The value 1 emulates version 1 of CCC.

See also BasicChart#compatFlags.

Default Value:
Borrowed from:

{boolean} animate
Indicates if a chart should show an entry animation, every time it is fully rendered. Most charts perform some sort of entry animation of its main visual elements.

When a chart is rendered explicitly, through its render method, it is possible to control whether the entry animation is performed or not.

This option is only taken into account when #interactive is true.

Default Value:

{pvc.options.varia.ChartClearSelectionMode} clearSelectionMode
Controls if and how the selection can be cleared by the user.

This option applies even if #selectable is false. This supports scenarios where a custom selection implementation controls what can get selected, but in which clearing selection is decided by the user, in the default way.

This option is only taken into account when #interactive is true.

Default Value:

{boolean} clickable
Indicates if the chart is clickable by the user.

If this option is false, any click-related actions will not be executed (ex: #clickAction, Chart#doubleClickAction, or pvc.options.axes.DiscreteCartesianAxis#clickAction).

Default Value:
Borrowed from:

{boolean} ctrlSelectMode
When true, indicates that a selection made by the user replaces the current selection, if any.

For the selection to be additive, the ctrl key (or cmd in Mac) must be pressed, by the end of the operation.

When false, indicates that any selection made by the user is additive. The ctrl or cmd keys have no effect.

Default Value:

{number} doubleClickMaxDelay
The maximum number of milliseconds, between two consecutive clicks, for them to be considered a double-click.
Default Value:

{boolean} hoverable
Indicates if the chart's visual elements are automatically highlighted when the user hovers over them with the mouse.

This option is only taken into account when #interactive is true.

Default Value:

{boolean} interactive
Indicates if chart interaction is enabled.

Chart interaction is any of the following kinds of interaction: animation, on-hover highlighting, tooltips, selection, clicking and double-clicking.

When false, all kinds of interaction are disabled. The options controlling specific interaction types are ignored: #animate, #hoverable, pvc.options.Tooltip#enabled, #selectable, Chart#clearSelectionMode and #clickable.

When true all kinds of interaction may be enabled, that being controlled by its own control option.

When printing, with CGG, #interactive is always false, independently of the specified value.

When not printing, the default value of this option is true.

{pvc.options.Pointing} pointing
Contains options related to the way the pointing events are handled (ex: over, out).

{pvc.options.varia.PointingMode} pointingMode
The pointing mode used by the chart.
Default Value:

{boolean} selectable
Indicates if the chart's visual elements can be selected by the user, by clicking on them or using the rubber-band.

This option is only taken into account when #interactive is true.

Default Value:

<deprecated> {boolean} showTooltips
Indicates if tooltips are enabled and contains additional tooltip presentation options.
Use #tooltip instead.
Borrowed from:

<deprecated> {pvc.options.Tooltip} tipsySettings
Contains additional tooltip presentation options.
Use #tooltip instead.
Borrowed from:

{pvc.options.Tooltip} tooltip
Indicates if tooltips are enabled and contains additional tooltip presentation options.
Borrowed from:

{number|string|pvc.options.varia.Sides} contentMargins
The margins of the root content panel, in pixel units or as a percentage.

In a small multiples chart, the margins of the content panel of a small chart can be set with the property smallContentMargins.

See pvc.options.varia.Sides for information about the different supported data types.

Default Value:
Borrowed from:

{number|string|pvc.options.varia.Sides} contentPaddings
The paddings of the root content panel, in pixel units or as a percentage.

In a small multiples chart, the paddings of the content panel of a small chart can be set with the property smallContentPaddings.

See pvc.options.varia.Sides for information about the different supported data types.

Default Value:
Borrowed from:

{number} height
The height of the root chart, in pixels.
Default Value:
Borrowed from:

{number|string|pvc.options.varia.Sides} margins
The margins of the root chart.

In a small multiples chart, the margins of the small charts can be set with the property smallMargins.

See pvc.options.varia.Sides for information about the different supported data types.

Default Value:
Borrowed from:

{pvc.options.varia.ChartOrientation} orientation
The chart orientation indicates if its main direction is vertical or horizontal.

This property is supported by most chart types.

Default Value:
Borrowed from:

{number|string|pvc.options.varia.Sides} paddings
The paddings of the root chart.

In a small multiples chart, the paddings of a small chart can be set with the property smallPaddings.

See pvc.options.varia.Sides for information about the different supported data types.

Default Value:
Borrowed from:

{number} width
The width of the root chart, in pixels.
Default Value:
Borrowed from:

{string|pvc.options.VisualRole} dataPartRole
The dataPart visual role is a chart-level visual role that allows partitioning of the data into several datum subsets.

This is a shortcut property for pvc.options.visualRoles.BasicChartVisualRoles#dataPart.

Borrowed from:

{map(string : pvc.options.VisualRole)|pvc.options.visualRoles.BasicChartVisualRoles} visualRoles
The chart's visual roles map.

Besides the existing visual role properties - named after the visual role's name followed by the word Role - the visual roles map can be used, in code, to specify the visual roles information. The visual role name is the map's key, and the value, its options.

Borrowed from:

{number|string|pvc.options.varia.Size} plotSizeMin
The minimum size of the plot panel, in pixel units. If a percentage is specified, this option is ignored.

To determine the actual minimum size of the plot panel, the chart takes into account other restrictions imposed by options such as: pvc.options.axes.DiscreteCartesianAxis#bandSize, pvc.options.axes.DiscreteCartesianAxis#bandSizeMin, pvc.options.axes.DiscreteCartesianAxis#bandSpacing and pvc.options.axes.DiscreteCartesianAxis#bandSpacingMin.

In a small multiples chart, this option is ignored.

See pvc.options.varia.Size for information about the different supported data types.

Borrowed from:

{boolean|pvc.options.panels.LegendPanel} legend
The legend panel of the root chart.

When a value of type boolean is specified, it indicates the visibility of the legend.

Default Value:

{boolean} legendAreaVisible
Indicates if the legend panel is visible.

It is equivalent to specifying a value of type boolean in #legend, but if both specified this property value takes precedence.

Allows setting the panel's visibility when specifing a value of type pvc.options.panels.LegendPanel in #legend.

Default Value:

{string|pvc.options.panels.ChartTitlePanel} title
The title panel of the root chart.

When a value of type string is specified, it is the title text.

Borrowed from:

{list(pvc.options.plots.Plot)} plots
An array of plots.

Can be specified to configure the options of the chart's internal plots (like main and plot2 and trend, when supported by the chart type), or to define and configure extra plots, of compatible types.

The types of plots that can be used together in a chart depend on:

For additional information, specific of each chart type, see its documentation for property plots.

Borrowed from:
Method Detail
{undefined} clickAction(scene)
A callback function that is called when the user clicks on a visual element.
{pvc.visual.Scene} scene
The scene associated with the visual item.
Borrowed from:

{undefined} doubleClickAction(scene)
A callback function that is called when the user double-clicks on a visual element.
{pvc.visual.Scene} scene
The scene associated with the visual item.

{undefined} renderCallback(scene)
A callback function that is called before the chart is rendered, but after if has been pre-rendered.

You can use this action to:

{pvc.visual.Scene} scene
The scene associated with the visual item.
Borrowed from:

{undefined} renderedCallback(scene)
A callback function that is called after the chart has finished rendering, including any animations.
{pvc.visual.Scene} scene
The scene associated with the visual item.
Borrowed from:

{undefined} selectionChangedAction(selectedDatums, selectedChangedDatums)
A callback function that is called when, after selection has changed, the chart is updated to reflect the change.
{list(} selectedDatums
An array with the resulting selected datums.
{list(} selectedChangedDatums
An array with the datums whose selected state has changed since the last time that the action was handled.

{list(} userSelectionAction(selectingDatums, selectingGroup)
A callback function that is called when the user performs a selection, but before the corresponding datums' selected state is actually changed.

This function is usefull to restrict, amplify, or normalize the selection.

{list(} selectingDatums
An array with the datums that will be selected by the current operation.
{} selectingGroup Optional
A data group, if the current operation will only select a single group, otherwise no value.
{list(} The datums that should be actually selected.

{string!} percentValueFormat(value)
A function used to format non-null numeric values as percentages.

When this property is specified, it sets also the pvc.options.format.FormatProvider#percent format of the chart's format provider, BasicChart#format. Consequently, its value is inherited by the numeric dimension types' pvc.options.DimensionType#format.

Conversely, if the chart's format provider pvc.options.format.FormatProvider#percent format is specified, its value sets this property, Chart#percentValueFormat.

When both are specified, the one in the chart's format provider has precedence.

{number!} value
The non-null number to format.
{string!} The number formatted as a non-empty string.

{string!} valueFormat(value)
A function that formats the non-null values of numeric dimensions.

When this property is specified, it sets also the pvc.options.format.FormatProvider#number format of the chart's format provider, BasicChart#format. Consequently, its value is inherited by the number dimension types' pvc.options.DimensionType#format.

Conversely, if the chart's format provider pvc.options.format.FormatProvider#number format is specified, its value sets this property, BasicChart#valueFormat.

When both are specified, the one in the chart's format provider has precedence.

Note: in a previous CCC version this property applied only to dimensions named value, value2, etc. It now applies to any numeric dimensions.

{number!} value
The non-null number to format.
{string!} The number formatted as a non-empty string.
Borrowed from:

{boolean} dataWhere(datum)
A function that filters datums as they are being loading.
{} datum
The datum being loaded.
{boolean} true if the datum should be included, false if it should be excluded.
Borrowed from:

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