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Class pvc.options.panels.LegendPanel

Extends DockedPanel.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
The options documentation class of the legend panel.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The alignment side of the panel (the source) that will align to a side of the parent panel (the target).
The maximum positive number of legend items that can fit in the legend panel.
Half the space between legend items, in pixel units.
The fixed size of legend items, in pixel units or as a percentage.
The margins of the panel.
The width and height of the marker panel, in pixel units.
The behavior of the legend panel when an overflow is detected.
The paddings of the panel.
The docking position of the panel.
The fixed size of the panel, in pixel units or as a percentage.
The maximum size of the panel, in pixel units or as a percentage.
The space between the marker and the associated label, in pixel units.
The extension points provided by the legend panel.
The font of the panel.
Class Detail
The options documentation class of the legend panel.
Field Detail
{pvc.options.varia.PanelAlignmentSource} align
The alignment side of the panel (the source) that will align to a side of the parent panel (the target).

The alignment side must be orthogonal to the docking side.

The default value is 'middle', if DockedPanel#position is an horizontal side, and 'center', otherwise.

Borrowed from:

{number} itemCountMax
The maximum positive number of legend items that can fit in the legend panel.

See pvc.options.varia.LegendOverflow for information about the different behaviors of the legend panel when this maximum is exceeded.

{number|string|pvc.options.varia.Sides} itemPadding
Half the space between legend items, in pixel units.

This property should be named "itemMargins", according to the current naming and box model concept, but is as is for historical reasons.

Percentage values are in relation to the legend panel's available client size (i.e. the available size with margins and paddings discounted).

The item margins are only applied between items.

See pvc.options.varia.Sides for information about the different supported data types.

Default Value:

{number|string|pvc.options.varia.Size} itemSize
The fixed size of legend items, in pixel units or as a percentage.

The size includes #itemPadding. The items' client size is the size discounted of the item padding.

Percentage values are in relation to the legend panel's available client size (i.e. the available size with margins and paddings discounted).

When unspecified, each item assumes the smallest possible size that fits all content. You can specify only the item's width or height.

The default item height is the biggest of the font height and the #markerSize. The default item width is the #markerSize, plus the #textMargin, plus the width of the item's text at the current font.

See pvc.options.varia.Size for information about the different supported data types.

{number|string|pvc.options.varia.Sides} margins
The margins of the panel.

See pvc.options.varia.Sides for information about the different supported data types.

Default Value:
Borrowed from:

{number} markerSize
The width and height of the marker panel, in pixel units.

The marker itself will be slightly smaller.

Default Value:

{string|pvc.options.varia.LegendOverflow} overflow
The behavior of the legend panel when an overflow is detected.

See pvc.options.varia.LegendOverflow for information about the different behaviors of the legend panel when an overflow is detected.

Default Value:

{number|string|pvc.options.varia.Sides} paddings
The paddings of the panel.

See pvc.options.varia.Sides for information about the different supported data types.

Default Value:

{pvc.options.varia.PanelPosition} position
The docking position of the panel.
Default Value:

{number|string|pvc.options.varia.Size} size
The fixed size of the panel, in pixel units or as a percentage.

See pvc.options.varia.Size for information about the different supported data types.

Borrowed from:

{number|string|pvc.options.varia.Size} sizeMax
The maximum size of the panel, in pixel units or as a percentage.

See pvc.options.varia.Size for information about the different supported data types.

Borrowed from:

{number} textMargin
The space between the marker and the associated label, in pixel units.
Default Value:

{pvc.options.ext.LegendPanelExtensionPoints} extensionPoints
The extension points provided by the legend panel.

{string} font
The font of the panel.

See the supported font format in

Default Value:
'10px sans-serif'

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